Child rights

INDIA: Independence Day for cows as hospitals massacre children

Statement | India | 14-08-2017

How exactly can one react to a republic that lets more than 60 of its children die in just 48 hours for the want of oxygen as the company supplying oxygen to the hospital had stopped it after repeated warnings for the same over non-payment of Rs. 68 Lakhs? How exactly one must feel after […]

PAKISTAN: A tribute to Dr. Ruth Pfau: who successfully fought and controlled leprosy in country

The 87-year-old, Pakistan’s Mother Teresa, who devoted her life to control leprosy in Pakistan is no more available at his 2nd floor small room in Marie Adelaide Leprosy Center (MALC), located in a densely populated area of Karachi. Hundreds and thousands of admirers of Dr. Ruth Pfau are in great shock even the Canary bird, […]

PAKISTAN: Child and young day laborer missing after being arrested by State Agencies

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding two missing persons. A brilliant, 16 ½ year old student and a 21 year old day laborer who were picked up by uniformed Officers and others in plainclothes. The laborer’s family could not file a case because of monetary concerns. In the […]

PAKISTAN: Disappearance of youth whose two older brothers already extra judicially killed

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the disappearance of a youth by the police and persons from intelligence agencies. His two older brothers were already extrajudicially killed earlier. Eighteen year old Sajjad went to Karachi city from his village to meet his assassinated brother’s family, and was abducted […]

PAKISTAN: The dismal state of education

By Salman Ali The Convention on the Rights of the Child and many of the global education goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, aim at ensuring the right to quality education, which, unfortunately millions of children and women around the world are deprived of. Globally, some 67 million children remain out of school. According to […]

PAKISTAN: Government before UN committee reluctant to make law against torture

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture The government of Pakistan has stated before the UN Committee on the Convention against Torture (CAT) that it does not intend to set-up legislation against torture and ill-treatment. On May 13, 2017 during the UN review, […]

PAKISTAN: World Refugee Day – half of all refugees are children and millions are out of school or getting a makeshift education.

A Press Release from Their world News forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) PAKISTAN: Host to the second largest refugee population – 1.4 million, almost entirely from Afghanistan — UNICEF Around the world last year, an average of 28,300 people every day were driven from their homes by conflict, persecution or human rights violations. […]

NEPAL: Police continue using torture as the only resort in the year 2017

A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) on the occasion of International Day in Support of Victims of Torture ‘“As a last resort,” wrote a Nepalese Inspector, “torture is practical and necessary.”’ This was reported 43 years ago in certain newspapers in the United States, in articles titled “Chilling views on torture tactics” […]

AHRC TV: Pakistan observes World Day Against Child Labour and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 175

This week Just Asia begins with Pakistan, which observed World Day Against Child Labor on June 12. Despite official fanfare and praise, child labour continues to increase in the country, and child rights groups have criticized the government for not criminalizing it. Civil society is urging the government to formulate policies and laws to eliminate child labour and take […]

PAKISTAN: World Day Against Child Labour-Ending child labour requires measures to end poverty

The theme for the 2017 World Day Against Child Labor is to protect children from child labour in conflicts and disasters. “The world aims for the elimination of child labour by 2025, under the sustainable development goal. Pakistan has committed to take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking […]

AHRC TV: Sri Lanka second best place for children in Asia and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 174

This week Just Asia begins with Save the Children’s new report ‘Stolen Childhoods’ in Sri Lanka. Launched on June 1, the report explores a unique index presenting the major reasons why childhood comes to an early end. Sri Lanka is ranked as the 61st best country in the world for children to grow up in, […]

SRI LANKA: Military must investigate the sexual abuse of young boys by senior students at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a 15 year old, boy Z, was sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp between 16th-23rd February 2017. This is the 3rd individual case out of ten boys who were abused. A group of 23 male students from the Pilawela Maha Vidiyalaya, […]

SRI LANKA: Second boy complains of being sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to the information I have received, the 15 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Perera and Malani Srasinghe, residents of No: 17/1, Arangala, Nattaranpotha in Kandy District had complained to them of being sexually abused together with 10 other boys at the Rantambe Military Camp, between 16th-23rd February 2017. This […]

SRI LANKA: Eleven year-old child tortured by his class teacher at Vidiyartha College Kandy

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from Mr. K M M G Sudath of No: 19/1, Watagoda Temple Road, Aruppola, Kandy, about maltreatment of his oldest son. His child was tortured and harassed by his class teacher. Though he lodged a complaint with the Police, they have not investigated these […]

SRI LANKA: Fourteen year old male Cadet and ten other boys sexually abused by senior students at the Rantambe Military Camp

Dear Friends, According to information received by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC), a 14 year old, boy X, and 10 other boys were sexually abused at the Rantambe Military Camp between 16th-23rd February 2017. Boy X together with a group of 23 male students from the Pilawela Maha Vidiyalaya, Pilawela, Kundasale School in the […]

SRI LANKA: Suspect in the sexual abuse of a 15 year-old girl released without proper investigation

Dear Friends, According to information I have received a 15-year-old girl was sexually abused on 25th February 2017. Despite the family members filing a complaint with the Maskeliya Police Station, the case has not been properly investigated. The alleged suspect, who comes from a wealthy family, was simply released. He had appeared before a Magistrate […]

SRI LANKA: Intellectually challenged, fourteen year old boy, tortured by Galaha Police

Dear Friends, Dilesh Rukmal Anthony, 14, of No: 08 /1, Wariyagala, Nilambe in the Gampaha District, is a student in grade 09 A at the Gurukelle Nilambe Maha Vidiyala School–Sinhala Medium. On 24 January 2017, three teachers at the school accused Dilesh of assaulting another student. He was directed to go to the Galaha Police […]

PAKISTAN: Government operates against secular elements in Sindh instead of curbing terrorism

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that Pakistan Rangers and police have conducted joint operations against Sindhi political activists after the suicide bomb blast at the shrine of Shahbaz Qalander, Sehwan, wherein 88 persons were killed and 288 were injured. Although ISIS, the international terrorist organization conducted the blast, […]

PAKISTAN: Sessions judge and his wife must be prosecuted for employing and torturing minor

A 10-year-old child working as a household help was tortured by her employers, an Additional Sessions judge and his wife; the girl has been severely injured. The judge has used his influence and position to settle the case outside the court with the father of the maid. The Chief Justice of Pakistan took suo motto […]

PAKISTAN: Urgent action required against the forced conversion of minority girls

Dear Prime Minister, We, human rights and women rights advocates, write to you to express our profound concern regarding the proposed amendments set to be applied to a recently passed legislation, “Sindh Criminal Law (Protection of Minorities) Bill, 2015”. This legislation, the Protection of Minorities Bill, passed unanimously in the Sindh Provincial Assembly, as it […]