Child rights

NEPAL: UN Secretary General’s statement a vital opportunity to end the misery of Nepalese People

Statement | Nepal | 24-12-2004

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) shares the concerns expressed by the Secretary General of the United Nations in his statement on the human rights situation in Nepal. Time and again the AHRC has stressed that regional governments such as India, international governments and bodies such as European Union, national political parties and the King […]

NEPAL: A 14-year old Dalit girl raped and murdered by a group of upper caste men

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Sita Sada, a 14-year old Dalit girl, was raped and killed by upper caste men on 17 May 2004. According to our information, while Sita was sleeping at night, more than 10 men came and dragged her out of the house. Two days […]

SRI LANKA: A man tortured and prosecuted with false charges by the Samanalaweva Police Post

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a man named Heeralu Mohottalalage Punchi Banda (39) was illegally arrested and tortured by the Sub Inspector (S.I.) Dhammika Bandara of Samanalaweva Police Post in Balangoda on 26 August 2004. Due to brutal torture, the victim still suffers from severe pain on his […]

SRI LANKA: Teachers discriminate against 11-year-old student for receiving torture compensation

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that Harshana Tharindu Wijegunawardena, an 11-year-old student (grade 6) at St. John’s College in Panadura, has been subjected to discrimination and inhuman and degrading treatment tantamount to mental torture after receiving compensation for being assaulted by one of the teachers. Please send a letter […]

UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Update on a boy brutally assaulted by his teachers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information regarding the torture of a 16-year-old student, Sahan Tharaka, by his teachers and the Assistant Principal of his school. (Reference: UA-90-2004) Meanwhile, the teachers and Assistant Principal have been arrested, but released on bail. On 27 July 2004, the Principal of the school organised […]

SRI LANKA: A boy brutally assaulted by his teachers and denied his right of education

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information that a 16-year-old boy named Balawedage Sahan Tharaka was severely assaulted by his teachers on 19-20 July 2004 and has been warned to leave the school. He is in year 11 of the Bulathsinhala Madya Maha Vidyalaya [Central College]. Due to a brutal assault, he […]

PAKISTAN: A sexual harassment of a 6 year old boy by his teacher

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 6-year-old boy named Talha was allegedly sexually abused by his Quran teacher, Mr. Altaf at the Lajna Mosque on College Road, Green Town, Lahore, Punjab province, Pakistan on 6 June 2004. Mr. Altaf was arrested and is currently detained at the Kot […]

SRI LANKA: Children abused and sexually harassed by the teacher for two years

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a primary school teacher Ven Harankahawe Chandrawimala (Buddhist monk) has allegedly harassed children physically and mentally including in sexual ways, and consistently denied their religious freedom for last two years.  According to our source who followed up the case, child abuse by Ven […]

PAKISTAN: A young woman killed by her husband on the pretext of honour killing

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 30-year-old woman named Ms. Hidayat was allegedly killed by her husband, Mr. Momin Ali Mahar in Dal village, Lakhi Ghulam Shah Town, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan on 29 February 2004. The case was registered at the Chak Police Station. However, a human […]

UPDATE (Burma): Update on child jailed for witnessing massacre

Dear Friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learnt that in addition to the persons listed for the Urgent Appeal sent yesterday, 23 February 2004, to secure the release of Maung Chan Thar Kyaw, it is also necessary to write to the Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement. (To see our previous urgent […]

BURMA: Child jailed for witnessing massacre

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learnt from the Burma Lawyers’ Council (Thailand) that a 15-year-old boy was sentenced to a juvenile detention facility after witnessing the attack on the National League for Democracy at Depayin, on 30 May 2003. The boy, Maung Chan Thar Kyaw, who is now in a camp […]

NEPAL: An 8 year old boy is in critical situation after being shot by army security personnel in Sunsari District

NEPAL: An 8 year old boy is in critical situation after being shot by army security personnel in Sunsari District NEPAL: Right of Children; Ill treatment of Children ———————————————————— Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is gravely concerned that an 8 year old boy was shot by army security personnel in Sunsari District on 16 December […]

NEPAL: Illegal arrest and torture of two young men by the police in Kathmandu

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission is forwarding information from the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) on arbitrary arrest and torture of two young men in a Kathmandu police station in Nepal.  Raju Lama, a 22 year old, garment labourer, was arbitrary arrested for the first time in April 2003 and still being held […]

SRI LANKA: 7 year old boy illegally detained and tortured by the police

Dear friends The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a seven-year-old boy has been illegally detained and tortured by the police from the Polpithigame Police Station. According to the information from his mother, the boy has still not recovered from the shock. Your urgent action is required to correct this matter immediately. […]

INDIA: A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl

A case of gang rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl INDIA: Caste based discrimination – a distinct case of racial discrimination on the basis of work and descent; right to life & fair trial and justice; abduction, gang-rape and sexual exploitation against Dalit minor girl ———————————————————– We are shocked to learn that a […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Philippines): Minor offenders in Zambales, Luzon need adequate and suitable rehabilitation centers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you information from Fr. Shay Cullen, MSSC, Founder and President of the PREDA Foundation, regarding their appeal to the provincial government of Zambales in Luzon, Philippines to allow their organization to use idle government buildings and lands for free. According to Fr. Cullen, they […]

PHILIPPINES: Torture of a 17-year-old boy falsely accused of being a member of a kidnap-for-ransom group

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal concerning the torture of a 17-year-old boy, who was falsely accused by soldiers and policemen of being a member of a kidnap-for-ransom group, in Basilan, Mindanao. He is presently detained together with adult offenders in a jail where he was remanded. Asraf Jamiri […]