Right to health

AHRC TV: Indian building safety violations lead to deaths in fire and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 259

This week Just Asia begins with India, where criminal disdain for human life was seen again in a blaze claiming 22 young lives in a coaching institution in Surat, Gujarat, one of the country’s wealthiest states. Many of the students, trapped on the fourth floor of a building with no fire exits, were burnt alive […]

INDIA: Country must bring its missing children back

HRC40 | India | 27-02-2019

A Written Submission to the UN Human Rights Council by the Asian Legal Resource Centre Recently, Aawaj, a partner organisation of the Asian Legal Resource Centre, in India along with Madhya Pradesh Police busted a multi state child-sale racket and helped rescuing many children sold to different families. The bust, sadly, exposes only the tip […]

INDONESIA: Nasib Masyrakat Sipil di Papua Terancam

Saya sebagai Pemerhati Ham Papua, sangat perihatin dengan situasi pelanggaran Ham di papua di akhir-akhir ini, masyarakat sipil orang asli Papua dan Non Papua hidup dengan penuh rasa takut dan trauma di tanah ini, pembunuhan terjadi di mana-mana terhadap masyarakat sipil. Tindakan (Organisasi Papua Merdeka) OPM juga sangat meresahkan bagi warga pendatang yang ada di […]

AHRC TV: Philippines lowers criminal responsibility to 9 years and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 245

This week Just Asia begins with the Philippines, where rights groups and opposition lawmakers have condemned a bill lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility from 15 to 9 years old. The bill was passed with a 9-1 vote on Monday. According to rights groups, the bill is “not in the best interest” of children, […]

AHRC TV: Indian police fire at protesters without warning and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 244

This week Just Asia begins with India’s north eastern state of Tripura, where police opened fire without any warning against protesters on January 8. Two young men were shot in the chest and are in critical condition. They were peacefully protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Bill, 2016, which is seen as highly inimical to the indigenous peoples […]

NEPAL: Dr. C.K. Raut needs urgent medical care and treatment

Statement | Nepal | 08-01-2019

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) strongly objects to the lack of medical care given to Dr. C.K. Raut in custody. Dr. C. K. Raut was arrested by police on 7 October 2018 along with his four-year-old daughter from the premises of the District Court in Rautahat, while appearing in court in the case of […]

INDIA: Authorities hand over trafficked children to families of traffickers

Dear Friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding a multi- state child sale racket from its partner organization, Aawaj, working in Madhya Pradesh for child rights. Aawaj members played a crucial role in uncovering the racket by acting as decoy customers, and working with the police. In a strange twist however, […]

INDIA: Authorities remain in denial even as Aadhaar-linked hunger deaths continue in Jharkhand

Statement | India | 29-11-2018

Despite repeated DENIAL by the authorities and their attempts to pass on such deaths as deaths by illness, 2 more hunger deaths in Jharkhand have been reported over the last month. This takes the total to 17 since September 2017. The report stated that Kaleshwar Soren (45), a resident of Dumka district and Seeta Devi (75) of […]

INDIA: Massive reduction in multi-dimensional poverty laudable but not enough

Statement | India | 16-10-2018

The United Nations Development Programme’s recently released 2018 Multi- dimensional Poverty Index (MPI) lauds India for a massive reduction in multi-dimensional poverty in the country. The MPI goes beyond looking merely at income to understand how people experience poverty. It uses key dimensions like health, education, access to basic amenities and living standards and gives 10 indicators […]

AHRC TV: Over a thousand deaths in Indonesia earthquake and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 237

This week Just Asia begins with Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province, which was hit by a 7.5-magnitude earthquake last Friday, followed by a tsunami. Official figures are reporting the deaths of 1,234 people. Indonesia’s geophysics agency (BMKG) has faced criticism over its handling of a tsunami warning. Indonesian President Joko Widodo is accepting international help for […]

INDIA: Kerala and Karnataka floods a grim reminder to protect the environment

Statement | India | 31-08-2018

Since late July 2018 Kerala started receiving unusually high rainfall (a total of 3,368 mm rainfall in this monsoon). This was initially ignored, as this southern-most state is a frequent recipient of torrential rains. With time however, matters worsened and for the first time in history, 35 out of 42 dams in Kerala had to […]

AHRC TV: Indian police given death sentence for torture and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 230

This week Just Asia begins with India, where two police officers have been awarded the death penalty for the custodial torture and death of 27-year-old Udaya Kumara in Kerala in 2005. For more than 10 years, Udaya’s mother was steadfast in her pursuit of justice. Udaya’s case is a reminder not only of police brutality […]

INDIA: Delhi hunger deaths sad indicator of increasing starvation across the country

Statement | India | 30-07-2018

The deaths of three girls aged eight, four and two from prolonged starvation hascaused much shock and uproar throughout India. This is largely because the deaths took place in New Delhi, the national capital, as well as because the autopsy report found that the children had not eaten anything for eight days straight. The girls had not eaten […]

NEPAL: Government finally agrees to medical reforms after 27 days of Dr. Govinda K.C.’s hunger strike

Statement | Nepal | 27-07-2018

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) salutes the undeterred courage of Dr. Govinda K.C., who singlehandedly brought Nepal’s government to its knees after staging a fast-unto-death hunger strike for 27 days. Dr. Govinda K.C. started his 15th hunger strike from Jumla district on 30 June 2018, demanding that the medical education law should be drafted based on […]

INDIA: 72,000 children died due to lack of doctors in just one state

Statement | India | 18-07-2018

While replying to a question in state assembly, the government of Madhya Pradesh, a state in central India, recently admitted to the death of 72,000 children in the Special Newborn Care Units (SNCUs) of government hospitals in the state. The data from the National Health Mission further revealed that these deaths took place between 2009 and 2017. […]

NEPAL: Deteriorating health of Dr. KC, lone crusader fighting against medical mafia

Statement | Nepal | 11-07-2018

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is concerned at the deteriorating health of Dr. Govinda KC, who has been on an indefinite hunger strike in Jumla district since 30 June 2018. Dr. KC, a senior orthopedic surgeon, is seeking reforms in the country’s medical education sector. In particular, he is demanding the enactment of a […]

AHRC TV: International Day in Support of Victims of Torture and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 225

This week Just Asia focuses on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, marked annually on June 26. Torture is a crime under international law. It is absolutely prohibited and cannot be justified under any circumstances. Despite this, torture persists in all regions of the world. Concerns about protecting national security and borders […]

SRI LANKA: Moving towards mental torture

A Statement on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture Globally, June 26 is celebrated as a day of solidarity for victims of torture. All over the world, various kinds of events are held in order to highlight the issue of torture and various ways to overcome this perennial problem. […]

AHRC TV: Indian journalist gunned down and other stories in JUST ASIA, Episode 224

This week Just Asia begins with India, where Shujaat Bukhaari, editor of the newspaper Rising Kashmir, was gunned down outside his office in Srinagar on June 14. A highly respected journalist, Bukhaari was known for his consistent advocacy for peace and dialogue in Kashmir. His assassination, along with that of journalist Gauri Lankesh in Bangalore […]

INDIA: Suicide by a hungry teen in the times of 1.7 billion USD loot by tycoons

Article | India | 01-03-2018

By Avinash Pandey In other times Jyoti could have gotten at least a little outrage for her, often all poor and the marginalized get in the country after such tragedies inflicted upon them. Alas, the country is busy over outraging the USD 1.7 billion fraud, and counting, that the Punjab National Bank has complained Nirav […]