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BURMA/MYANMAR: Amnesty does not free all political detainees 

The Asian Human Rights Commission welcomes Order No. 51/2013 of 30 December 2013 by the president of Burma (Myanmar), issuing a general amnesty for all persons imprisoned or facing trial or investigat...

BURMA: Land grabbing not “in accordance with law” 

Over the course of 2013 the Asian Human Rights Commission has followed reports of a larger number of conflicts over land grabs and attempted grabs in Burma, or Myanmar. Some of the conflicts are over ...

BURMA: Continued prosecutions of human rights defenders 

The Asian Human Rights Commission has in a number of recent appeals and statements (AHRC-UAC-105-2013, AHRC-UAC-101-2013, AHRC-STM-108-2013) pointed to the persistent pursuit and prosecution by the ...

BURMA/MYANMAR: After five months no action against three soldiers who murdered a civilian

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has since April followed the case of a couple who were brutally assaulted and robbed by three soldiers in Pyi, central Burma, resulting in the de...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Rapist of child convicted, but inadequate sentence imposed

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is pleased to inform you that a man accused of repeatedly raping a teenage girl in Burma has, despite his efforts to destroy the case, been convi...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Activist sentenced to eleven years’ jail for opposing army copper mine

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has previously issued a statement on the ongoing targeting and arrests of activists and farmers opposed to the expansion of an army-backed copper...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Three people detained and charged for fighting for farmers’ land rights

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the arrest of three activists whowere involved in a network to support for farmers whose land was confiscated ...

BURMA: Police torture of gay and transgendered people 

The Asian Human Rights Commission has been following with concern news of the police targeting of gay and transgendered people in Burma, or Myanmar, and has recently obtained detailed information on a...

BURMA: Identifying and freeing remaining political prisoners 

The president of Burma, or Myanmar, U Thein Sein in his recent visit to the United Kingdom has made a commitment that all political prisoners in his country will be released by the end of the year. Ac...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Police torture man to death, claim he beat up himself

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the case of a land rights activist who was tortured to death while detained in police custody in Burma. The of...

BURMA/MYANMAR: Father of girl killed by military prosecuted for complaint to human rights commission

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received detailed information about a case brought by the army in Burma against a man who lodged a complaint over the death of his daughter. ...

BURMA: No police prosecuted for incendiary attack but seven activists so far imprisoned over Letpadaung mine dispute 

On 8 June 2013 the Myanmar Journalists Network hosted a press conference in Rangoon about the imprisonment without right to defence of at least seven persons who have been actively opposing the Letpad...

BURMA: Innocent man was sentenced life imprisonment for alleged bomb plot

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about the case of a young man whom the authorities in Burma have accused of involvement in a bombing nearby government o...

BURMA: Buddhist monk imprisoned for alleged deviant teaching

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission has previously issued an appeal about an elderly religious leader in Burma who has been imprisoned for allegedly establishing a deviant Buddhist order. ...

BURMA: Act on courts, police covering up child rape-AHRC 

(Hong Kong, May 8, 2013) The Asian Human Rights Commission on Wednesday condemned ongoing efforts by the courts and police in Burma to thwart prosecution of an influential person accused of abduction ...

BURMA: Criminalization of rights defenders and impunity for police 

The Asian Human Rights Commission condemns in the strongest terms the announcement of the commander of the Sagaing Region Police Force, Myanmar, that the police will arrest and charge eight human righ...

BURMA: Lawyers’ report on Letpadaung released in English 

(Hong Kong, April 10, 2013) A Burma-based lawyers group has released its findings on the Letpadaung land struggle in English. The 39-page illustrated report was submitted by the Lawyers Network (Myanm...

BURMA: Community educator charged for teaching political science

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information about charges brought against a community educator in Burma for teaching political science. Min Min, a human rights defe...

BURMA: Speaker of legislature puts state sovereignty ahead of torture elimination 

On 21 March 2013 a member of the national legislature in Burma introduced a motion calling for the country to join the United Nations Convention against Torture. In his motion, Dr Aung Moe Nyo, member...

BURMA: Two sharply contrasting reports on the struggle for land at Letpadaung 

The Asian Human Rights Commission has since mid-2012 closely followed, documented and reported on the struggle of farmers in the Letpadaung Hills of central Burma against the expansion of a copper min...