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Found 666 Results.

Burma: 18 Human Rights Activists Sentenced to 5 Years of hard Labour and Deported

Dear Friends, Greetings! We are informed that the 18 Foreign Human Rights activist were sentenced to 5 years hard labour – for about 3 minutes. Moments after the judge had made his ruling an off...

Burma: 18 Foreign Human Rights Activists are on 5th Day of Detention

The 18 foreign human rights activists remain in prison without charges for the FIFTH day for distributing pro-democracy a red business-card-sized leaflet in Rangoon. With these words as "goodwill...

Burma: 18 Foreign Human Rights Activists Detained

9 August 1998 18 foreign human rights activist were arrested in Rangoon. They were part of an international group that went inside Burma to distribute international solidarity messages. Most of the ac...

WORLD: Please intervene in the attempt to remove UN Special Procedure mandate holders 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal received from Amnesty International regarding the draft decision by some governments to remove UN Special Procedure m...

FORWARDED APPEAL(Burma): Appeal to China to take action on Burma 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal that was posted on Thailand news site Prachatai, asking the government of China to use its leverage to bring reconciliati...

FORWARDED APPEAL(Burma): Appeal to China to take action on Burma 

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal that was posted on Thailand news site Prachatai, asking the government of China to use its leverage to bring reconciliati...