Poverty & adequate standard of living

KASHMIR: Pakistani police assault peaceful demonstrators

On September 30, 2002, police clashed with protestors peacefully demonstrating against the Mangla Dam extension in Mirpur, a city in the Pakistani controlled area of Kashmir. The police attacked the demonstrators with batons and tear gas, arresting 13 people and injuring others. Mr. Najeeb Asfar, a member of the Association of British Kashmiris, reported that following the incident, most of Mirpur City was put under curfew.

PHILIPPINES: Eviction of impoverished farmers in Barangay Talomo

PHILIPPINES: Land rights; Loss of land and deprivation of livelihood ——————————————————————– The following urgent appeal is based on information received from the Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP). It combines information from a recent urgent appeal of theirs and two updates to it. Please show solidarity with the farmers in the Philippines who are […]

INDIA: 10 years impunity for Convent well murder of young nun

10 years impunity for Convent well murder of young nun INDIA – Impunity for murder ——————————————————————– There is an astounding case regarding a decade of justice denied in Kerala state of India. The 21 year-old body of Sr. Abhaya was found at the bottom of a Convent well in 1992. The Church authorities claimed that […]

Support Fr. Pallath’s hunger strike for justice

Support Fr. Pallath’s hunger strike for justice  JESUIT ORDER IN KERALA – Physical assault, slander through gutter press, filing of fabricated criminal cases, denial of right to livelihood  ——————————————————————–  The latest update of this appeal is available at the following link: Jesuits belligerent in the face of moral hunger strike  Fr. Pallath, after a long […]

MAY DAY 2002: State violence and repression in Asia

State violence and repression in Asia INDONESIA/MALAYSIA/SINGAPORE/AUSTRALIA: Repression and violence against human rights defenders on May Day 2002 ——————————————————————– Last Wednesday was International Labour Day – the day to remember and continue the struggle for basic human rights for workers around the world. Far too often the efforts of worker activists for justice end in […]

UPDATE (PALESTINE): UN Envoy says Jenin devastation ‘horrific beyond belief’ – requires immediate intervention

Richard Cook, Director of UNRWA operations in the West Bank: 
“The reports we are getting are of wholesale destruction of a kind more normally associated with natural disasters such as earthquakes…. We implore the Israeli authorities to open up the camp to allow our relief teams to help its desperate population.” 

UPDATE (INDONESIA): Head of Militia is Presidential Advisor

We are forwarding an appeal from Eviction Watch and the Urban Poor Consortium (UPC) for your further action to protect Indonesian human rights defenders. After the second attack on UPC by the FBR (Betawi Brotherhood Forum) which caused many of you to write protest letters, 7 of the attackers have been arrested. 

UPDATE (INDONESIA): NGOs condemn latest attack on human rights defenders at Komnas HAM

(RE: UA-11-2002: Attacks on human rights defenders, destruction of property, public use of weapons with impunity)  UPDATE (INDONESIA): Further attacks on human rights defenders, public threats made with impunity  ———————————————————————-  Dear Friends  We are including here a joint statement by 48 Indonesian NGOs in response to another attack by the FBR (Betawi Brotherhood Forum) on […]

G7: The global action to eliminate the debt of poor nations

URGENT ACTION URGENT ACTION URGENT ACTION URGENT ACTION URGENT  ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEALS PROGRAM  AHRC UA Index: 000809 20 July 2000  We wish to encourage you to take part in this global action to eliminate the debt of poor nations. The debt paid by poor nations to rich nations prevents them from providing […]

PAKISTAN: Bulldozers set to move in on katchi abadi

The Asian Human Rights Commission has received this appeal from the:  Urban Resource Centre  3/48 Mualomabad Khalid Bin Walid Road  Karachi 74800 Pakistan.  We are forwarding it below for appropriate action.  Voice against evictions in Islamabad  Dear friends,  Our friend Aasim Akhtar from federal capital Islamabad informed us that the authorities are planning a massive […]

PAKISTAN: Bulldozers set to move in on katchi abadi

Dear friends,  Our friend Aasim Akhtar from federal capital Islamabad informed us that the authorities are planning a massive bulldozing operation in Islamabad.  I am forwarding this message with a sample appeal. I will appreciate if you will send appeal to the authorities in Islamabad to stop these evictions.  WIth regards  Younus  Dear Younus,  As […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (India): State police assault and detain Narmada Bachao Andolan activists in Khandwa

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wishes to forward an appeal from the Narmada Bachao Andolan. On 29 October, the evictees of the Narmada Dam Project started a two-day protest meet in front of the District Collector’s Office in Khandwa district, Madhya Pradesh. The participants of the protest meet are mostly the members of […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (South Korea): Deaths of protesters protesting against forced eviction

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Sarangbang Group for Human Rights in South Korea regarding the deaths of activists protesting against forced eviction on 20 January 2009. Five protesters and one police officer were killed and several others injured during the eviction. Although South Korea has achieved economic […]

FORWARDED APPEAL(Burma): Appeal to China to take action on Burma

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal that was posted on Thailand news site Prachatai, asking the government of China to use its leverage to bring reconciliation and peace in Burma. If the email bounces back, please check here: http://en.beijing2008.cn/bocog/contactus/. Please use a different subject line so your email does not […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Philippines): More families left homeless after violent demolition in San Juan

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding this appeal from the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights (CTUHR) about the violent demolition of a community of informal settlers resulting to the illegal arrest of 24 people and wounding of 23 others. After the demolition, the affected settlers are now forced to […]

FORWARDED APPEAL(Burma): Appeal to China to take action on Burma

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal that was posted on Thailand news site Prachatai, asking the government of China to use its leverage to bring reconciliation and peace in Burma. If the email bounces back, please check here: http://en.beijing2008.cn/bocog/contactus/. Please use a different subject line so your email does not […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Malaysia): Armed police and bulldozers again attack villagers

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM) regarding the forced demolition in Kampung Berembang, a village near Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia on 20 November 2006. Five hundred people lived for more than 30 years in the village. If you have any questions […]

FORWARDED APPEAL (Philippines): Farmers facing fabricated charges and possible eviction from their land

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding to you an appeal from Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP)-Luzon, a human rights organisation based in Quezon City, Metro Manila, about the desperate plight of a family of farmers in San Andres, Quezon. The family is facing the threat of eviction and have […]

INDIA: A hundred women and children evicted from a night shelter in New Delhi, India

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding information from the Coordination Office of the Housing and Land Rights Network of Habitat International Coalition (HIC-HLRN) regarding the forced eviction of a hundred women and children evicted from a night shelter by New Delhi Municipal Corporation Council (NDMC) in New Delhi, India.  Since the eviction, […]

INDIA: Illegal and brutal eviction throws slum dwellers on to the streets in Mumbai

Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding an appeal from the National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM) concerning an illegal and forced eviction of slum dwellers in Mumbai, India. It is alleged that the eviction is undertake at the behest of a private property developer. It is reported that human rights activists […]