Neglect and loss is a newsletter containing reports and commentaries on current problems in several Asian countries. Today, we are issuing the fourth newsletter in this series. The purpose of the newsletter is to highlight many forms of unnecessary human suffering imposed on ordinary people in these countries due to the neglect of authorities to carry out their basic duties and functions to ensure protection for the people.
The current issue contains the following:
The meaning of Sustainable Development Goal 16
NEPAL: Torture and extrajudicial killing by the duty police officer of border out-post
INDIA: Scam or a curious case of self-vanishing vaccines?
BANGLADESH: Families Take to the Streets to Demand Justice for Enforced Disappearances
SRI LANKA: A Man Who went in Search for food for his family beaten and killed
INDONESIA: Victims and Justice Seekers must be included in the Sustainable Development Goals
BANGLADESH: Government Abuses COVID-19 Lockdown for Mass Arrests and Muzzling Freedoms
SRI LANKA: Colombo Port City Economic Commission – An authority without any real authority
MYANMAR/BURMA: Myanmar Situation Update (17 to 23 May 2021)
The readers are welcome to send their comments and responses at Those who wish to contribute are also welcome to send in articles to the editorial board for consideration.
The link to the newsletter is as follows.