Follow Up Action at National Level



    1. We will make a proposal to the National Human Rights Commission (which is at a formative stage) to form a Human Rights Task Force for investigating the H.R. violations.
    2. We will take steps to introduce AHRC to the local NGOs who are working to defend H. Rights in order to maintain a good working relationship.
    3. We will publish leaflets on legal advice to make people aware of their rights.
    4. We will arrange awareness-building seminars workshops as we did before.
    5. In our regular human rights training programs we will put emphasis on Women and Child Rights as it is their rights that are often violated.
    6. We will arrange seminars and workshops on the bad effects of dowry and divorce.
    7. We will arrange programs for different religious groups for dialogue and to raise their awareness of the H.R. norms and the UN Conventions.
    8. We will try to introduce H.Rts education to high schools.


  • Dowry is a burning issue specially in Bangladesh. We propose that this issue be discussed in future seminars of AHRC, if it is possible.
  • We suggest that AHRC publications be circulated to H.R. organizations.
  • We suggest to have a balanced number of men and women participants in the AHRC training programs/seminars.


  1. Organize a seminar to get a deeper understanding of the Conventions. The dates are already fixed: March 31- 3April, 2000.
  2. The future strategies will be worked out at that meeting.
  3. Until that time we will keep in touch with one another and be informed of the happenings of other H.R. groups in the country.
  4. Special attention will be paid to the issue of disappearances and the deteriorating situation of law and order in the country.


Way of Promoting the Convention against Torture;

    1. Effective steps should be taken to conscientize our own Religious groups on the Convention against Torture.
    2. Efforts could be made to include the Report of this meeting and the Convention in the agenda of CBCI.
    3. Concrete ways of implementing the CAT in Religious groups could be discussed in Inter Religious Forum and at the time of Inter Religious Dialogue.
    4. Religious groups could work effectively in collaboration with NGOs.
    5. A team consisting of Human Rights Activists and Advocates could visit the Prisons regularly to identify the victims of Torture and to learn the prison conditions.
    6. The Convention should be taught to the jailers and prisoners, and human rights books could be given to them.
    7. Rehabilitation centres could be thought of and the families should be taken care of by the Religious groups
    8. In the schools students should be conscientized on the Convention.
    9. Common Plan of action should be adopted in the schools to avoid fundamentalism.
    10. In summer camps and Exposure Program students should be taught about this convention.
    11. A report regarding custodial deaths and other forms of torture could be sent periodically to the religious groups by Vigil India Movement.
    12. Like-minded people from different religions could work together with Professional Specialists for the promotion of the Convention.

A Human Rights Day in the Church!


Basic Problem in the Area of Human Rights Promotion in Nepal is:

    1. Insurgent Activities in the name of Maoist Group declaring people’s war.
    2. Rampant Torture in Police custody.
    3. Discriminatory treatment on the basis of caste and sex.
    4. Defective value system towards women and girls which is resulting in trafficking of girls and unequal treatment.

The Solutions can be achieved by the following:

  • Vigil Nepal Movement for the Promotion of Human Rights.
  • Formation of the Proposed Vigil Nepal Movement for;

a) Informative role
b) Educative role
c) Reformative role
d) Remedial role

  • Transparency in all organizations
  • Plan to re-orient the politicians as well as the administrative authority.
  • Centre for Legal Resources and Resource Development – CeLRRd will take the lead in the establishment of a “Vigil Nepal Movement” (to achieve the above mentioned objectives).