Problems Facing the Cambodian Legal System


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This new book which is published in July 1998, examines the nature of the Cambodian legal system. Problems Facing the Cambodian Legal System, by Basil Fernando, 157 pages, argues that the socialist system of justice still exists in Cambodia despite many attempts to reform. The book includes a foreword by Justice Michael Kirby, former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Human Rights in Cambodia, and a message from Dato’ Param Cumaraswamy, U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers.


*This book is temporarily out of stock.*

Published in July 1998 by the Asian Human Rights Commission,
160 pages, Language: English. ISBN – 962-8314-03-3
For orders and enquiries: Email or call +(852) 2698 6339 +(852) 2698 6339.

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