Asia: Towards the Elimination of Corruption and Executive Control of the Judiciary


A group of 24 persons from Cambodia, China, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Thailand gathered in Hong Kong from February 16-21, 2006, for the first consultation on the launching of the Asian Charter on the Rule of Law. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) proposed the drafting of such a charter in October 2005. This proposal was based on the AHRC’s realization, having worked extensively for human rights throughout Asia, that discussions on issues relating to human rights have limited meaning if they are not linked to the obstacles faced in the development of the rule of law within the region.

The purpose of having wide consultations prior to the drafting of such a charter is to enable as many persons as possible to voice their experiences regarding the rule of law as well as human rights. It is hoped that the participants at these consultations will detail the manner in which the rule of law is being subverted in their countries and suggest various means through which these problems can be addressed, both by governments as well as civil society organizations. This booklet summarises their deliberations at the first consultation.

Published in March 2006 by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) & Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC), 25 pages, Language: English,
ISBN-10: 962-8314-28-9; ISBN-13: 978-962-8314-28-7

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