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Sri Lanka: Investigate Crimes Against Humanity

10 August 1998 the International Federation of Tamils appeals to the United Nations Sub Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities that upon the Rome Statute of the Intern...

south Korea: Release of Political Prisoners: A Mockery Again

In commemoration of the independence of Korea from Japanese colonial rule on 15 August 1945, the government of the Republic of Korea announced a special amnesty on 14 August 1998. In spite of repeated...

Burma: 18 Human Rights Activists Sentenced to 5 Years of hard Labour and Deported

Dear Friends, Greetings! We are informed that the 18 Foreign Human Rights activist were sentenced to 5 years hard labour – for about 3 minutes. Moments after the judge had made his ruling an off...

Burma: 18 Foreign Human Rights Activists are on 5th Day of Detention

The 18 foreign human rights activists remain in prison without charges for the FIFTH day for distributing pro-democracy a red business-card-sized leaflet in Rangoon. With these words as "goodwill...

Severe Torture at Ja-ela Police Station

Mr.Weerasinghe Arrachige Janaka Chaminda was released on Sunday 9 August 1998. Thanks to the immediate response of Human Rights Organisations. Chaminda was detained at Ja-ela police station on on 6 Au...

Burma: 18 Foreign Human Rights Activists Detained

9 August 1998 18 foreign human rights activist were arrested in Rangoon. They were part of an international group that went inside Burma to distribute international solidarity messages. Most of the ac...

Sri Lanka: Severe Torture at Ja-ela Police Station

On 6 August 1998 at 3.15 pm, a man named Weerasinghe Arrachige Janaka Chaminda was taken to Ja-ela police station. He was severely beaten up by Inspector Weerasinghe. He was beaten several times durin...

Pakistan: Situation After the Death of Bishop John Joseph

National Commission for Justice and Peace CAMPAIGN AGAINST BLASPHEMY LAWS CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM DELEGATION MET WITH MINISTER ZAFARUL HAQ A joint delegation of Christian and Muslim leaders met with Raja Zaf...

south Korea: Protest Against Forced Conversion of Political Prisoners

On 2 July 1998, SARANGBANG Group for Human Rights, a network member from Korea issued a statement against forced Conversion of political prisoners. They are seeking your support and assistance on this...

India: SAARC: Campaign Against Nukes

Dear friends, Attached is a statement of concern on nuclear arms race in South Asia. The statement will be release in Colombo on the eve of the SAARC summit, July 29-31, 1998. We invite all concern pe...

Sri Lanka: Special Campaign on Disappearances, Particularly on Children

The three government commissions established to inquire into disappearances, which took place in large scale in Sri Lanka, have established 16,782 cases of such disappearances. (NGOs have estimated mu...

Sri Lanka: Independence of Judiciary Questioned

Sri Lanka was once known to have a very independent judiciary. It is well known that the former government (1977 – 1994) which ruled for over 17 years did a great deal to undermine the position ...

Pakistan: Message by NCJPP on Bishop’s Death and Funeral

Message: National Commission for Justice and Peace, Pakistan 8 May 1998 PAKISTAN: Eminent Catholic Bishop Sacrifices His Life to Protest Against Deadly Blasphemy Law Dear Friends, FUNERAL OF BISHOP JO...

Pakistan: Eminent Catholic Bishop Sacrifices His Life to Protest

Bishop John Joseph fired a bullet into his head on 6 May 1998 in a court-house where a Catholic was sentenced to death on 27 April under the blasphemy law of Pakistan. The blasphemy law in Pakistan ha...

Pakistan: Five Unionists Arrested and Office Demolished

16 April 98 the District management supported by police force demolished the All Pakistan Trade Union Office. The office is located at 114 – Gulberg Road, Industrial Area, Kashmir Road, Gulberg, Laho...

Thailand: Sulak Charged But Yadana Gas Pipeline Continues

On 28 February 1998 Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai decided that the laying of the Yadana gas pipeline by the Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT) should proceed as eighty percent of the construction is...

south Korea: Prof. LEE Jang-hee Charged Under National Security Law

The Asian Human Rights Commisssion and MINKAHYUP- Human Rights Group express their deep concern on the continuing violations of the right to freedom of expression and opinion of Professor Lee Jang-hee...

SRI LANKA: Sky Sports Lanka Dispute

Dear Friends, Once again thank you for your support, solidarity and actions on the Sky Sport Lanka appeal. Unfortunately this matter is still a long way from resolution, but workers are continuing to ...

Cambodia: Two Prisoners Suffering from AIDS

Prom Mean Rith, 34 years old, male – HIV test on 19 November 1997 Sar Ka Sem, 29 years old, male – HIV test on 19 November 1997 Prom Mean Rith and Sar Ka Sem are two prisoners in PJ Prison...

Philippines: Harassment of Lawyers

Three lawyers have been harrassed for engaging in a case against the military implicated in the torture and murder of labour leader Rolando Olalia in 1986. The lawyers subject to harassment are Romeo ...