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SRI LANKA: IMF observations on an Independent Prosecution office for Sri Lanka

IMF in its recent report issued in September titled Sri Lanka; Technical Assistance Report-Governance Diagnostic Assessment, has directed its attention to the problems relating to the independence i...

SRI LANKA: If Tocqueville was to read our proposed Anti-Terrorism Act

By Basil Fernando Alexis Charles Henri Clérel, comte de Tocqueville is the famous author of the book Democracy in America. It is one of the world’s best known writings which have been appreciat...

SRI LANKA: Imprisonment of 5 Years for Non-Arrest of A Suspect – A Good Example to Emulate

By Basil Fernando The sentencing of a former Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police for giving illegal orders not to arrest a suspect. The reported sentencing of former Senior Deputy Inspector Gene...

BANGLADESH: ADN Condemns Unjust Imprisonment of Bangladeshi HRDs Adilur Rahman and Nasiruddin Elan

A Statement from Asia Democracy Network forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Seoul, Korea – The Asia Democracy Network (ADN) vehemently condemns the recent sentencing of Adilur Rahman ...

INDONESIA: Stop violence and protect Rempang residents’ rights

Hong Kong, Thursday 14, 2023 The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) supports 130 Indonesian civil society organisations from the Aceh Province to the Papua Province to put pressure on the Ind...

INDONESIA: Presidential Security Detail (Paspampres) personnel kidnapped and tortured to death a young man

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) to the President of Republic of Indonesia  Mr. Joko Widodo President of the Republic of Indonesia Jl. Veteran No. 16 Jakarta Pusat INDONES...

SRI LANKA: The Bar Association is held to be a Public Authority under the RTI Act

(Hong Kong, September 04, 2023)  The Right to Information Commission in Sri Lanka has issued an order in terms of its powers under the RTI Act. Regarding a petition filed by an attorney at law in whi...

ASIA: The mind of Junious (A Parable)

By Basil Fernando This story is about Junious. Please do not think that I made a mistake in naming the hero and misspelling Junious for genius. I quite understand some people’s misunderstanding ...

SRI LANKA: The Contempt of a Court, Tribunal or Institution Bill  is Unconstitutional and  Scandalizing Court is an archaic law

(Hong Kong, August 09, 2023)  ​​​​​​​Written submission to the Supreme Court on the “Contempt of a Court, Tribunal or Institution” Bill The Bill titled “Contempt of a...

INDONESIA: Stop violence and prosecute the perpetrators who attacked peaceful protesters in Padang West Sumatera

An Open Letter from the Asian Human Rights Commission to the Chief of National Police, Jakarta, Indonesia General of Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo Chief of National Police (KAPOLRI) Jl. Trunojoyo No. 3,...

SRI LANKA: Contempt of court law should not be used to create a chilling effect on lawyers and litigants

By Basil Fernando A month or so earlier, it was a lawyer practicing mainly in a High Court closer to Colombo, that contacted me and told me about his concerns about a draft Bill which has been discuss...

තරිඳු උඩුවරගෙදර අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමට අදාළ මහා ප්‍රශ්නය

An article from Sri Lanka Brief forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission මෙම සටහන ඉතා පුළුල් කීර්තියක් ඇති තරුණ මාධ්Ȁ...

SRI LANKA: How loud can you talk in a court proceeding?

By Basil Fernando This article is  a follow up to: 1. Does the proposed contempt of court Bill amount to 23rd amendment to the constitution?     2.  Is contempt of court unlike any other crime? ...

SRI LANKA: The Arrest of Tharindu Uduwaragedera – Larger questions

By Basil Fernando On the larger questions raised by the arrest of Tharindu Uduwaragedera, a young journalist of very wide reputation. Tharindu Uduwaragedera who was attending a meeting on Friday (28 J...

SRI LANKA: Is contempt of court unlike any other crime?

By Basil Fernando The purpose of the proposed Bill on the Contempt of Court is to criminalise the acts which may be considered to constitute the offence of contempt of court and to punish it. Clearly...

SRI LANKA: The plantation workers walk for “tracing our roots to win our rights”

A Statement from COLLECTIVE FOR MAANBUMIGU MALAIYAHA MAKKAL forwarded by the Asian Human Rights Commission Today (28th July 2023) groups of men and women working in the plantations, in the hill countr...

SRI LANKA: Beneath the skin deep liberalism lies cancerous caste prejudices

By Basil Fernando This article is  a follow up to:  The caste-based culture is still the key obstacle for development in Sri Lanka The debate on how important caste consciousness is in Sri Lanka to...

SRI LANKA: Does the proposed contempt of court Bill amount to 23rd amendment to the constitution?

By Basil Fernando The draft Bill entitled ‘Contempt of Court, Tribunal or Institutions’, has been included in the parliament’s order paper and the issue of the constitutionality of t...

SRI LANKA: The caste-based culture is still the key obstacle for development in Sri Lanka

By Basil Fernando Over a long period, many erudite scholars and critics have engaged with the issue of the extent to which caste remained a relevant factor in understanding social development in Sri L...

INDONESIA : Kronologis Singkat Konflik Agraria Atara Tni AU Dengan  Warga Desa Sukamulya Rumpin Bogor 

In 2006 is pick of land dispute between residents of Sukamulya village and the Indonesia Air Force of the Atang Sanjaya Air Based of Bogor regency, West Java province. The Air Force again filed a clai...